Our Department addresses the followiing scientific areas:
- Pedology, Soil Mapping, Soil Classification, Land Evaluation.
- Pollution and remediation of soils and aquatic ecosystems
- Soil DBASES and GIS Applications.
- Soils and land degradation (erosion, desertification, salinization, decline of biodiversity) and remediation
- Crop Irrigation
- Soil fertility, plant nutrition, and soil biology.
- Management of municipal and agricultural wastes
- Management practices to mitigate climate change.
Research Projects
Soil mapping (Dr. S. Theocharopoulos, D. Arapakis)
Wildfire, soil erosion and the risk to aquatic resources: evidence from the burnt Evrotas River basin, southern Peloponnese, Greece στο NERC –UK. (Dr. S. Theocharopoulos)
Land evaluation of Voiotia soils(Dr. S. Theocharopoulos)
Soil Erosion Prediction model (Dr. S. Theocharopoulos)
Research of N-fertilizers loss and environmental pollution in Kopaida Viotias (Dr. S. Theocharopoulos Strategies for the quality and promotion of Mediterranean agricultural products. (Dr. S. Theocharopoulos)
Landslides in the thick loess of Northwest China: Mechanisms and Mitigation, CONTRACT No: CI1*-92-0004 ".(Dr. S. Theocharopoulos)
Comparative Evaluation of methods on sampling and sample preparation of soils. SMT-CT96-2085 (DG12-CZJU). (Dr. S. Theocharopoulos)
Functional Tools for Pesticide Risk Assessment and Management»-Acronym:FOΟPRINT, fp6-2004-ssp-4 (2006-2009) (Coordinator of EU-Project: I.Dubus BRGM, Orlean, France and Partner for NAGREF Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou)
Environmental study plus maps, in region Gazi-Herakleion Crete (2002-2008), (Coordinator Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou)
Denitrification in agriculture, air, and water pollution COST ACTION 856, Food and Agriculture (FA),CORDIS FTE PROJECT (2004-2007) Coordinator Prof. Dr. H. Bothe, Partner from Greece WG2 &W 3 Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Biological indicators of soil quality in Greek soils and their relation to agricultural practice”, (2002-2004). NAGREF-British Council project. Coordinator Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Estimation of soil pollution using of the soil bioindicators (Dem’95 NAGREF Project, 1998-2004) . Coordinator Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Volcanic Soil Resources in Europe. Cost Action 622 (2001-2004), Coordinator François BARTOLIC.N.R.S.,Nansy France) Partner from SSIA, WG2&WG3. Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou.
Impact of pesticide of soil biodiversity (NAGREF and British Council project (1998-2001). Partner from NAGREF Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Enchytraeidae-Ringtest with cooperation of relevant organizations in EU-ECB (ISPRA, BBA and ECT, (1996-1999) Partner for NAGREF Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Soil evaluation and soil fertility with thematic maps, in Region on Archanes Herakleion-Crete (2004-2005) Coordinator Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Soil evaluation with thematic maps, in region Messara -Herakleion-Crete (2003-2004), Coordinator Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Environmental study plus maps, in region Malia-Herakleion -Crete (2001-2003) Coordinator Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Environmental study-Soil survey with thematic maps in region Gorgopotamos- Lamia Central Greece.( 2000-2002) Coordinator Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Soil survey and mapping of a peat area “Tennagi –Philippi” by Kavala-Drama in NE Greece) (1998-2002) Coordinator Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Improvement of genetic material and production of the creeps products in different Vineyards regions e.g. Hrakleion-Crete, Zitsa-Ioannina, Lemnos and Samos island: 4b-Action:Soil survey and mapping. INTERREG II (1998-2002). Coordinator for 4b Dr. E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou
Soil fertility and nutrient status of peach and apple orchards of Irinupolis region, Prefecture Imathia, Greece; A billateral collaboration with a SME “Natural Balance” and Grower Associations of the study area, North Greece (2008-2009) (Coordinator: Dr. V. Kavvadias)
Reuse of greenhouse production facilities for tobacco plants to produce small vegetables with low nitrate content in the region of Karditsa, Greece A bilateral collaboration with prefecture of Karditsa, central Greece. (2007-2008) (Coordinator: Dr. V. Kavvadias)
Assessment of the consequences of atmospheric pollution on Taygetos forest ecosystem; ARCHIMEDES I, Ministry of Education. National Research Project. (Ε.Π.Ε.Α.Ε.Κ. II). (2003-2006) (Institute participation, Dr. V. Kavvadias)
Ε-mensa: e-Platform Technologies for the European Agro-food Supply Chain, Contract no.: 007124 , FP6, Priority 5, Food Quality and Safety. (2004-2006) (Scientist in charge for the Institute, Dr. V. Kavvadias)
CEMAS: Residues of 1,3-Dichloropropene and related compounds in ground water in Greece-2005 to 2007. Study number CEMS-2574. (2005-2007). (Scientist in charge for the Institute, Dr. V. Kavvadias)
ΚASSA «Knowledge Assessment and Sharing on Sustainable Agriculture». 6th FP Specific Support Action-SSA, Sub priority “Global Change and Ecosystems”. ( 2004-2005). (Scientist in charge for the Institute, Dr. V. Kavvadias)
ΝAGREF+PPO «Sustainable fertigation techniques for vegetable production in Greece». Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the transfer of knowledge (ToK), FP6-2002-Mobility 3. (2004-2005). (Coordinator: Dr. V. Kavvadias)
Possibilities and limits for the friedly to the environment application of sewage sludge to the soil system (Dr. P. Kouloubis)
ENVIREG: Studies, analyses, technical assistance, mitigation, demonstration in the use of sewage sludge and compost in agriculture (Dr. P. Kouloubis)
On Progress
«Strategies to imProve and pROtect SOil and water quality from the Disposal of OLive oil mills’ wastes in the Mediterranean». LΙFE+, Environmental Policy and Governance. (Doula Maria)
GS Soil-Assessment and strategic development of INSPIRE compliant Geodata-Services for European Soil Data (Dr. S. Theocharopoulos)
Sustainable strategies for the improvement of seriously degraded agricultural areas: The example of Pistachia vera L. (AGROSTRAT). LIFE 2011 ENV/GR/000951(Doula Maria)
Quality assessment and optimization of the soil ammendment produced by co-composting the organic fraction of urban waste and vegetable waste in EMAK Chania (P. Kouloumbis)
Εvaluation of the use of 137Cs technique to study the soil water erosion in Central Greece with rainfall simulator (S. Theocharopoulos)
“ARIDWASTE: Development Of Specific Agricultural Practices With The Use Of Recycled Wastes Suitable For Intensively Cultivated Mediterranean Areas Under Degradation Risk”(ΑRΙΜnet CALL, 2012-2014) (V. Kavvadias)
"ΟLIVE-CLIMA: ΟLIVE crop management practices focused on CLIMAte change mitigation and adaptation" (LIFE+, 2012-2017). (V. Kavvadias)
"Integrated Geoinformatics Technologies for the Monitoring of Soil Pollution from Olive Oil Mill Waste Disposal (GeoDiametris) ", THALIS PROGRAM (2012-2014) (V. Kavvadias)
"Information System of Sustainable Development" ARCHIMIDIS ΙΙΙ (2012-2014). (V. Kavvadias)